
"I've found that when life's brush obscures my view with gloomy strokes that seem to mar the scene, God's hand appears and gives to sunless hue and dreary skies a more majestic sheen." Gustafson

15 January 2010

Day 72....

I can proudly say that on this day, Day 72 of our Disney countdown, I joined D-1 Sports boot camp for 1 year! I have up to 3 months to cancel if I don't want to continue. As I was signing-up, I found out that my 5AM Coach is a former Navy Seal, I'm doomed! I went to bed really late last night and was so tempted to skip my 2nd day of boot camp but I'm SO glad I went! It was TOUGH and I was heaving and gasping for breath during a few of the exercises, but I feel really good (and sore!).
Thank goodness for a little Christmas money to help with my new commitment. That and I'm fasting from Starbucks until after Disney so I'll be saving at least $8-10/week and as always, I'm trying to cut down our grocery expenses.
I even bought a few exercise pants and tops (on sale, of course!) for my new endeavor. Saturdays and Sundays, I plan on working out at home and then it's boot camp Mon, Wed & Fri. Here's to getting healthy again!


cv said...

good for you girl! Everyone that I know that's done their boot camp has gotten into great shape. You will inspire others, I'm certain!

Brooke said...

Thanks, friend! I BETTER get in shape after this insanity, ha! :) Excited to get my body back...it's been far too long!