
"I've found that when life's brush obscures my view with gloomy strokes that seem to mar the scene, God's hand appears and gives to sunless hue and dreary skies a more majestic sheen." Gustafson

06 June 2008

Vintage for my soul

It's been a full, wonderfully long week filled with sadness, joy, ponderings and stirrings in my heart. I did something yesterday I rarely, if ever, do. I took a guilt-free hour to wander around quaint little antique shops in downtown Franklin. The vintage findings and sights were refreshing for my soul. I picked up three beautiful pieces that brought me inspiration. Something else I rarely do....I actually purchased the items for mere joy and pleasure.
Finding #1 - A turquoise maraco/shaker (sp?) with bright flowers caught my attention. Perfect for BEB's instrument collection!
Finding #2 - This particular cross, with glass inlaid, struck me because you could see your reflection perfectly in it. A beautiful symbol of how we are to reflect Christ. It was made for the wall in our dining room.
Finding #3 - I love toile, it doesn't matter what color! In a boutique section, I found this simple black & beige toile pillow. A perfect accent piece for the old, brown rocking chair CNB has had since he was a tot.
I'm grateful for the little money that comes in from here and there to be able to make such purchases.

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