
"I've found that when life's brush obscures my view with gloomy strokes that seem to mar the scene, God's hand appears and gives to sunless hue and dreary skies a more majestic sheen." Gustafson

28 July 2007

Mema the beautiful

I've heard it quoted that "it takes a lot of thankfulness to live life."

When CNB & I first started dating, his family graciously welcomed me into their family like a daughter. The biggest blessing was "inheriting" two more grandmothers. My grandparents (on both sides) have since passed on, so it's a true blessing to have these women in my life (and now in BEB's).

Mema B. has shown me what true beauty is. From her slender Olive-oil (Popeye's wife!) like stature to her heart deep within, she radiates beauty. She lives life with a grateful heart that is bursting with Jesus and spilling over with love for her family and the world around her. She has suffered great losses and knows what it is to be lonely. Despite the trials, her gratitude and joyful heart are what keep her alive.

We are miles apart but she keeps us close in prayer and monthly writes beautiful letters that express her immense love for us. I so long for her to live close. I think about what it would be like to have her in our lives daily. I think about having a woman like her pouring into me.

I believe she is truly the most free and content woman I have ever met. She is a dear soul.

In her loving and optimistic words "We're gonna have us a good week ahead!"

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