
"I've found that when life's brush obscures my view with gloomy strokes that seem to mar the scene, God's hand appears and gives to sunless hue and dreary skies a more majestic sheen." Gustafson

27 July 2007

I'm an addict

You might be an addict, IF...you can send a text message to your "drug dealer" and instantly get a fix.

That's what happened yesterday. I was desperately in need of a fix. My fix, however, comes pretty cheaply - only $3.06! And it's the ONLY fix that seems to work!

I've been getting headaches a lot this year. The kind that make me sick to my stomach. Wednesday I felt one coming on at work and made a Starbucks run. I purchased a Coffee Frap lite (only 2 points on Weight Watchers!) and within 15 minutes, I felt like a new woman!

Yesterday's episode was a little different. I was talking on the phone with my parents and when I stood up, it was like the lights went out...and I couldn't see for a few seconds. Then the WORST headache I've had yet, came on viciously. I couldn't function. I literally couldn't get off the couch. In the midst of the episode, I was still trying to take care of BEB. In an attempt to communicate through the pain, I tried to let her know that Mommy wasn't feeling well. She would sweetly come up on the couch, lay her head up to mine as if to console and comfort me. Regardless, she still wanted her toys right then and she was pleading for dinner. I nuked a pizza in the microwave and mustered up the energy to serve it to her. Pizza, dried cranberries and grapes, that's a decent meal - at least the best I could do at that moment. Then back to the couch to warm my chilled body and shut my eyes for a few minutes. I could hear her moving around and just prayed she wouldn't take a dive in the trashcan or worse get into the knife drawer. Poor Scout was doing circles - which means he has to GO!

I kept thinking about all the women who are addicted to "real" drugs. Wondering how they manage to take care of their children when they're laid up on the couch, getting a fix. It was a horrible feeling being so out of control.

Tylenol wasn't touching it so I sent a text to my dealer (CNB). Little did he know what he'd be walking into when he got home. A war zone, a crying daughter, a dog about to wet himself and a lifeless wife. In spite of all this, my hero came home with the goods, took control of the situation and sent me up to sleep it off. Thank you, CNB, for loving me so well. I love you!

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